Friday, August 7, 2015

One Week In

So we're approximately one week into our Georgian adventure and things are starting to settle down a bit. We've finished what I like to call the temporary unpack emptying our suitcases and putting away our UAB (unaccompanied baggage move).  Temporary because it is likely most of it will get rearranged when the rest of our things arrive.  We have also moved some of the smaller furniture but still have some bigger pieces that need to find new homes.

We've managed to hit up the grocery stores a couple of times and I am slowly getting used to cooking here.  On that note we have had some issues with our cooking apparatuses in our kitchen.  Our oven didn't work and yesterday our stove top glass top shattered while cooking.  Just keeping it interesting around here :)

Mara is settling in great!  She is fully on the time zone and is sleeping in a twin bed.  We never expected to transition her so soon but it just kind of happened.  I really think she wasn't comfortable in her pack n play.  For the most part it has been an easy transition.  She really took to the bed!  She still wakes up occasionally and we have our good nights and bad.

We're slowly meeting people too.  I've been able to attend a spouse coffee sponsored by the embassy and went swimming with a few new friends today.  There is a lot of young kids Mara's age which is great.  We are already looking forward to many more play dates in our future!

On the horizon we're waiting on the rest of our things and getting really settled.  We're also looking into hiring some household help and possibly a driver.  In general we're just excited to start exploring our new home.  There is so much going on in our neighborhood, great restaurants and little shops to explore.  I'm ready to start really getting the feel of the land and learning our way around here!

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