Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mara: 1 Month

Mara, I know I keep saying this but how did you get to be one month old?  I can't believe that I now have to count your age in months rather than weeks.  The time seems to be flying by with you, my precious girl.  I love watching you change before our eyes and at the same time keep willing you to slow down.

Weight: You are probably around 9 lbs. by now the way you eat.  The last week you have been going through a small growth spurt.  You want to nurse a lot during the day but thankfully are still sleeping at night.  You look like you have gained some "chunkiness" and I love it!

Health: You are still dealing with gas on and off.  We got some gripe water and that seems to help to a point.  It seems easier for you to burp and get it all out.  I have tried to schedule your ENT appointment this week with little success.  I keep getting sent to other offices and some people don't have the referral in their systems.  To say its frustrating is an understatement.  I think by the time we finally get you seen you'll be a couple of months old.

Hanging out on the guest room bed

Social: You still are a studier.  You LOVE to look around and now get a bit fussy if you can't see the world around you.  Daddy thinks you'll be an engineer because of how you look at things like you're trying to figure out why they are what they are.

Diet: Still all breast milk straight from mama.  I'm going to start pumping in a few weeks because you will have to learn to take a bottle by the end of next month as mama and daddy are going to a Clemson game and you'll stay with nana and papa.   

Showing Minnie Mouse off at the Fall Festival

Clothes: You are still in mainly newborn clothes but they are definitely getting really tight. You have moved into your 0-3 month sleepers but they are still so big on you.  You are in this strange in between stage.  We are officially in size 1 diapers.  They too are big on you but hopefully we'll be in cloth soon.

You sucked so hard on Daddy's arm you gave him a hickey!

Mama's Favorites: I love the moby wrap this week.  You want to be held while sleeping and I love how the moby gives me that while still keeping us mobile.  I have also loved the quiet times we've had this past week.  We have had a few days where we have just stayed at home and vegged.  These are the best days.

Playing in your gym

Crying: I am finally starting to figure out your cries.  You really still only cry when you want to nurse.  The key is knowing which cries are when you are truly hungry and which ones are just when you need comfort.  

Sunday best

Sleep: For the most part you are doing good in this department. You are up to about 3 hour stretches depending on the night. Lately in the morning you tend to sleep in shorter bouts and only give mama an hour or so before you wake up again.

Check out my neck strength

This Week: You are more social this week.  You seem to have these conversations with daddy and I.  You kick your legs and move your arms to get your point across.  This week we also went to the battalion fall festival.  You dressed up as Minnie Mouse and basically slept through it all.  Mommy and Daddy loved showing you off though. This week we also introduced a pacifier to you.  I was so nervous that you would get confused and felt so bad to give you one.  You were nursing so much for comfort that Mama was in pain.  Well let me tell you girl you are not fooled by the pacifier.  You'll suck one for a bit if we hold it in your mouth but you still want your Mommy for comfort.  

Baby Likes: You still love your swing and the moby wrap. I've also noticed that you like to lay in your play gym. I think you are amazed by the different colors and toys. You of course still love to be held and would prefer to sleep in mommy's or daddy's arms at all times. For the most part we let you but sometimes we have to put you down to get things done.

Minnie Mouse

Milestones: You have smiled at both mommy and daddy.  The smiles are rare and we are looking forward to seeing that cute baby grin more often.  You are getting really good with your head support.  I put you down for tummy time today and you pushed off your hands immediately.  I can see you getting frustrated that you can't hold your body steady now and sometimes slide or roll to one side or another.  

Best of Times: We went out to eat this week and you slept through the entire time.  It was so nice of you to give mommy and daddy a short date.  It was also fun to dress you up in your first halloween costume.

Worst of Times: The gas still plagues you baby girl.  We think you're doing better but you do get fussy.  You scream and scream till you're fed.  You don't care where you are if your belly is empty and let everyone know you are hungry.  

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